X-Ray T-shirt

About Our X-Ray T-Shirt
We asked the acclaimed medical illustrator and physician Leslie Arwin, MD to create for us an anatomically perfect rendering of the human spine in the realistic style introduced over 300 years ago by the famed anatomist Vesalius. We’ve silk-screened black t-shirts with this design in white, and because the rendering of skeletal bones exactly overlays your actual spinal anatomy these shirts provide a sort of X-ray view of how your spine is moving in real time. “Visual art that teaches anatomy” was the goal we set for Leslie, and she’s succeeded brilliantly. So, if you want to see your spine in action without the effort, expense, and radiation exposure of actual X-ray, these shirts will get you pretty close.
Small – 100% Cotton, Medium – 100% Cotton, Large – 100% Polyester, X-Large – 100% Polyester
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