New Research Shows Back Pain Isn’t Helped by Opioid Drugs. What’s a Doctor to Do?
A recent paper published in the premier medical journal The Lancet1 underscored again just how poorly low back pain is understood. In their paper Opioid analgesia for acute low back pain and neck...

Changing how you sit might help you avoid back surgery
I was a trauma surgeon for many years and I loved everything about it. Trauma surgery is unique in surgery because it is a specialty that is almost pure surgery: very little need for elaborate ...

Your Back Pain Isn’t In Your Back
Your Back Pain Isn’t In Your Back Pain is a universal experience, the result of ancient neurologic pathways evolved to keep us safe by alerting us to injury. While pain is universal, however, i...

Can Active Sitting Help with Acute Low Back Pain?
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” – Richard P. Feynman I’ve been interested in the benefits of sitting actively for sometime now. N...

Sciatica: Causes, Cures, and … Chairs?
Understanding the cause of sciatica Sciatica is simply pain that radiates down the leg from the lower back. While “radiates” is a term loved by doctors, patients typically describe their pa...

Why does my office chair hurt my back?
If you’ve ever shopped for an office chair you’ve likely noticed that all the designs are startlingly similar. All have backrests and a lumbar support arrangement, and most have armrests. Addition...

Can active sitting help people with scoliosis?
Can active sitting help people with scoliosis? Possibly. In the least, it helped relieve the pain of sitting for one young woman.

The Feldenkrais Approach to Healing Back Pain
Uwe Mester is a Certified Feldenkrais Teacher, and Member of the Feldenkrais Guild of America. In this second guest blog post, Uwe explains more about the Feldenkrais Method® approach to healing b...

Back Pain: The Feldenkrais Perspective
A Guest Blog by Uwe Mester, Certified Feldenkrais Teacher, Member of the Feldenkrais Guild of America I would like to introduce you to Uwe Mester, a body movement and posture expert who has been...

Somehow, Every Ergonomist Gets Sitting Wrong
The field of ergonomics hasn’t changed their approach and recommendations for chairs in many, many years, even while the rate of Americans with back pain stubbornly persists at 80%. With that sort...

We force kids to abandon squatting so as adults, the position is nearly impossible and uncomfortable. Try this… drop a pencil on the floor and pick it up. Notice - did you bend over at the waist, ...

“This is supposed to make my posture better, isn’t it?” Typically, this is the very first thing people say when they sit in our chair for the very first time. The comment is remarkably consiste...

Can active sitting relieve acute back pain
Can active sitting relieve acute back pain? This is a hot topic here at QOR360. We’re a science-based crowd, and our intention is to be as truthful, straightforward, and accurate as possible wh...

Sounds great, doesn’t it? A little scientific, even medical (“lumbar” from the Latin lumbus, meaning loin). And at the same time gently comforting; who doesn’t love “support”? If you’re going t...

Is your office chair actually causing your back pain?
Is your office chair actually causing your back pain? Probably. Do you already know your sitting posture is bad? Probably. People spend a lot of time sitting (11 hours a day, on average), an...

Image: The Wisdom Daily © 2014 The Wisdom Daily. I’ve been a student of the Feldenkrais method for about a decade now, so I’m really just a beginner. But here’s what I think I’ve been learning…...

I’m sometimes asked “How did you come up with the rocker for your chairs?” I usually deflect this question with something like “Well, it wasn’t the first thing I thought of…” and hope that’s enough...